Hi, I'm Jason

I help to make the web a better place

About me

I'm a Front End Developer with an eye for UX and a passion for accessibility and helping people.

Front end developer

I'm a passionate Front End Developer with over 20 years experience who focuses on writing clean, reusable, standards compliant code with accessibility and best practice firmly in mind.

With over two decades of experience I've worked with many technology stacks however my passion has always been the front end and overall user experience.

Accessiblity advocate

I'm passionate about making the web a better place for everyone, regardless of any disability.

I'm an outspoken champion for accessibility. Aside from being the right thing to do good accessibility typically leads to a better experience for everyone.

Core skills

I'm always playing with new technologies and frameworks however my core front end technical skills are HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React.

I also have a wide range of additional development/design skills and experience.

Certified geek

There, I said it, I'm a geek!

I'm in to all sorts of geeky things however my particular passion is Sci-Fi. Whether it's Star Trek, Star Wars or just Sci-Fi in general, I'm into it all.